Mykolayivshina today

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

We are glad that for the last years Ukrainian and foreign companies interest in development of own business in Mykolayiv region has considerably grew. Our region is famous for its hardworking people, unique natural resources and huge productive potential and it is open for the fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with all partners in Ukraine and abroad.
The production of leading Mykolayiv region enterprises has a huge demand: state enterprise Gas Turbine Research and Production Complex «Zorya»-Mashproekt», PC «Plant «Ekvator», «Pervomaiskdieselmash» ALC, «Sandora» ltd., Cooperative farm «Organic systems» of «Agrofusion» holding company, PC «Koblevo», PC «Bashtansky cheese plant», PC «Pervomaysk milk canning factory» etc.
The high industrial potential represents the shipbuilding industry leading position in which take such enterprises as PC "Chernomorsky Shipbuilding Yard", PC «Mykolayiv shipyard «Ocean», State Enterprise "Shipyard named after 61 Communards". Shipbuilding companies of Mykolayiv region have  powerful industrial potential which allows make the products according to international standards of quality, in particular: container ships, tugs, tankers, bulk carriers, universal cargo ships, multipurpose cargo ships and the like. Thanks to the support of government it starts the revival of military shipbuilding in Mykolayiv region.
Reach chernozems of Mykolayiv region are favorable for growing of grain, grape, vegetables, sunflower and other crops.
Recreational complex is introduced by the national archaeological reserve «Olvia», national natural parks «Bugskiy Gard», «Biloberezhya Svyatoslava», the Black sea resorts Koblevo and Ochakov, regional landscape parks «Granite-Steppe Pobuzhya», «Kinburn Spit», «Tiligulskiy» and «Priingulskiy». Annually hundreds of thousands guests from all over Ukraine and many other countries rest there.
The investment attractiveness of  Mykolayiv region is assisted by the developed transport infrastructure, scientific and technical potential and modern informative and power networks.
One of strategic tasks of social-economic development of the region is development of a transport logistic complex of  Mykolayiv  region. Geographical location of the region by the internal water-ways, ramified powerful transport system, all types of transport (railway, marine, river, motor-car, aviation and pipeline), presence of navigable waterways, enter in the complement of that, is all plays a leading role in development of Mykolayiv transport knot and gives an opportunity for effective development  of marine cluster.
 A distinctive feature of region is a combination of few water routes - navigable ways in the mouths of the rivers Dnepr and South Bug, that is incorporated in Dnepro-Bugskiy estuary, and exit through Bugsko-Dneprovsko-Limanskiy channel to the Black sea.
The base of  Mykolayiv region marine complex is:
«Delta-Pilot», state enterprise, that provides services of pilot navigation for vessels marine and river ports of the state, and also is a leading enterprise in the system of providing of safety of navigation of Ukraine in the aquatorium of Black sea;
Sea ports: "Mykolayiv sea sale port " state company, specialized sea port «Oktyabrsk»; «Port Ochakov» Ltd
«Ukrrichflot» «Mykolayiv river port» associated company;
large private sea terminals: «Nibulon» agricultural enterprise ltd., «Mykolayiv specialized port Nika-Tera» ltd., Mykolayiv enterprise «Terminal-Ukrpischesbytsyryo» ltd.
The port economy of  Mykolayiv has wide possibilities on an overload and storage of such cargos: metal production, technical equipments, packing-case-piece loads, grain-crops, liquid (oil products, various oils), loading (coal, iron-ore raw material, phosphorites etc).
The worldwide known companies such as PepsiCo, Dyckerhoff, SunInterbrew, RusAl, Groupe Lactalis are currently successfully realizing their investment projects.
I hope that due to all this factors you will find reliable business partners in our land. We are open for co-operation and good affairs for the benefit of  Mykolayiv region and the people of Ukraine.