Development of tourist potential
Description of tourist potential
Mykolayiv city, that got its name in honour of Saint Nicholas of Myra –the patron of sailors and travelers, was founded in 1789 by the will of Prince G.O.Potyomkin-Tavriyskiy. It was located on the ancient lands, reconquered from the Turks near the shipyard laid one year previously at the place of the Southern Bug and the Ingul rivers junction.
The city could have become “a window” to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, a southern maritime trade capital of the Russian Empire. But the fate decreed in a different way. Mykolayiv turned into the city of shipbuilders.
The first ship in the city’s history – a 44-cannon frigate “Saint Nicholas” – was launched at the Mykolayiv Admiralty shipyard in 1790. Since the number of ships and vessels built by the hands of Mykolayiv shipbuilders – artisans, workers, engineers – counted in dozens, then in hundreds. During the last 2 centuries a sailing fleet was constructed, the famous “popovky” (coast ships designed by engineer A.Popov) and battleships, including rebellious “Prince Potyomkin-Tavriyskiy”, battleships, among which there was “Empress Maria” famous for its tragic destiny; submarines, cruisers, Soviet aircraft carriers, one of the biggest modern aircraft carriers in the Russian Navy “Admiral Kuznetsov” included, were built in Mykolayiv.
Along with shipbuilding, the city had been developing its own way looking different from any other city with its unforgettable cosy nooks and particularly the southern nature. Mykolayiv was built according to a previously elaborated plan. Hence the wide streets and avenues crossing at right angles, the classical blocks planning, inimitable beauty of the quays, parks and boulevards appear.
At the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries the city underwent the period of the rapid economic development. The new plants and factories, railways were built, the maritime commercial port was developed. At the beginning of the previous century Mykolayiv became the third port exporting grains in the Empire after Petersburg and Odesa.
During the years of World War I and the civil war, the periods of NEP (New Economical Policy) and industrialization, Stalin repressions and World War II Mykolayiv citizens were fated to suffer much grief and bereavements. The black night of occupation lasted for two years and seven months. The unfading deed of the liberators – 68 paratroopers under the command of senior lieutenant K.F.Olshanskiy went down in history. All the men – most of them posthumously – were conferred the Hero of the Soviet Union title.
Mykolayiv entered a lot of names into the treasury of world history. Naval commanders F.Ushakov, P. Nahimov, V. Kornilov, F. Bellinsgauzen, M. Lazarev, S. Makarov casted in their lots with this city. V. Dal’ (the author of “Explanatory Dictionary of the Livig Great Russian Language)”, writer I.Babel’, historian M.Arkas, painter V.Vereschagin, political figures L. Trotskiy, G. Katovskiy, M.Frunze and other personalities, engraved in our history, lived in here.
Nowadays the city is reviving. We remain the center of shipbuilding and navigation, with the lapse of time turning into a tremendous transit transport center. Three powerful shipyards, Aluminous plant, enterprises of machine building, processing, light and food industry operate in Mykolayiv, as well as the main base of Ukrainian turbine construction is concentrated here. The city has a great intellectual, science and technical, industrial, human resources and creative potential. The special economic zone “Mykolayiv”, mobilizing the capitals of the domestic and foreign investors, has been functioning for already several years.
There is a rather ramified network of cultural and art institutions in Mykolayiv. Three theatres (the Regional Puppet Theatre, Mykolayiv artistic Russian Drama Theatre and Ukrainian Theatre of Drama and Musical Comedy), 5 museums (Museum of Police History in Mykolayiv region, the Regional Local History Museum, Museum of Partisan Movement in Mykolayiv Region during the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1944, Museum of shipbuilding and fleet, V.Vereschagin Regional Art Museum), 13 libraries and 34 their branches, 4 cinemas, the regional Philharmonic Society, etc.
Mykolayiv has opportunities for future sportsmen training.4 stadiums (Central municipal stadium, “Molodizhniy” (The youth stadium), “Pioneer”, “Yunist” (Youth), 3 sport complexes (“Zorya” (Dawn), “Nadiya” (Hope), House of Sport, Sports and Health-Improving Complex), about 33 sport clubs etc. are situated in the city’s territory.